Education is incorporated within all of SSF-U’s programming. Through health, WaSH (water, sanitation, and hygiene), microfinance, and nutrition strategies, SSF-U uses every opportunity to educate people of every age, gender, faith persuasion, and ethnic identity – in the rural areas when disseminating loans, in schools, and at the Community Development Centre (CDC). Educational messages are communicated through sports and drama events as well, and through dialogical conceptual events (CEs) – collaborative attempts to reflect on critical life problems in search of culturally appropriate solutions.
SSF-M is committed to enabling and empowering women to overcome obstacles in their lives. SSF’s Program Manager, Cynthia Maulidi, is a grounded, development-conscious Malawian who meets twice weekly with members of the microfinance base community group, educating them on matters pertaining to financial literacy – enabling a reimagined belief in individual and group-capacity to overcome socio-economic constraints, all the while strengthening their relationships in the home.
In partnership with SSF, SC nudges trauma-affected black women, men, and families towards understandings of renewed hope for their ultimate well-being, mental health and worthwhileness. As is the experience with SSF-Malawi, SC’s approach in education is nuanced, informal, and embedded within all of the counselling, advocacy and referral work it offers. As is evidenced with the increase in gender-based violence (GBV) incidence and prevalence, Sovereign Core, together with SSF, is exploring innovative intervention opportunities to mitigate the scourge of gender based violence, while concurrently providing educational resources through its informal and formal networks.